Hello! My name is Wayne. I am a lifelong musician. I am also a composer, producer, audio engineer, and sound designer, and I'm from Northern California. If you want to know more, go to my About page. You can check out most of my music here. Observe the glory of my News tab for updates and feel free to drop a comment too.
Email me at Wayne (at) SUBQUiRE.com if you want to connect, otherwise click the social media icons, above cartoon Mr. Pillbody, to see the various places my music and art lives on the internet. You can also sign up for my quarterly newsletter.
You should like me on those social media sites too if you like my music! Soundcloud for example, where I tend to post Works in Progress or old tracks that I probably even forgot I made. I am more prolific than I have ever been in over a decade and I'm excited for where SUBQUiRE takes me, as well as you. I have lots more music coming -- as well as YouTube livestreams, trippy art, collaborations, music production tutorials, sit-downs with my producer friends, and more. Stay tuned. Thank you for your support.